At times in an organization, some situations arise when two employees don’t fit in together or when an employee has an issue with the management, or many more combinations like this.
It is very necessary for an organization to keep a note of things like this and also to keep things well documented.
Usually, in a complaint letter, you should mention the issue, with the mention of the concerned person and why you think it’s important for the Human resources or management to know it. If you are still struggling find some relevant complaint letters for you down.
Template: 1
Employee Complaint Letter
I want to report a contention between me and Samantha working in the business development department. There have been a few occurrences throughout the most recent couple of days, and I feel that the time has come to report a proper complaint against her.
I want to report the events on record as follows:
On 10th January, the previously mentioned collaborator and I had a contention over his propensity for passing remarks against me and a couple of different associates. She has been doing it as often as possible, and nobody goes up against her for that. In any case, subsequent to enduring her for a few days, I went up against her saying that whatever she did was exploitative and not adequate at cost.
Be that as it may, in spite of that, she keeps on doing as such, and now the opportunity has arrived that you take comprehension of her conduct and authorize exacting activity.
Her bad behaviors are not bound to that, she likewise has a propensity for going into others’ cubicles, utilizing their personal stuff, taking things, and furthermore utilizing their PCs. As I feel that I am a devoted and dedicated worker, I feel worried about the circumstance as it influences me just as others because of the experience made by that individual.
It has influenced numerous before and experiences made colossal difficulty exist and has made my work practically outlandish. I might want to determine this issue as quickly as time permits and solicitation you to comprehend my circumstance and make a suitable move.
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Template: 2
Employee Complaint Letter
Dear Sir,
I want to convey to you that I, Jerry Brinson, Cloud administrator at the Tube Rail Reservation venture, have been confronting difficult issues generally. In spite of the fact that it has nothing to manage technical issues, I figured it is ideal to talk to you fundamentally since you are my immediate boss and would best comprehend the circumstance.
My issue is against two of my team members who neglect to show the necessary intrigue and play out the stipulated activities and duties of being a piece of this task. It is the thumb rule of our association that each man needs to play out a lot of work and in this way add to the company’s prosperity; working in a team is unavoidable while working in an IT anticipate and subsequently fitting in with the principles and norms of the team is likewise similarly significant.
My domain of grievance, in any case, lies in the way that they show an absence of worry in holding fast to deadlines and fulfilling targets set for a specific time length. This, in the long run, puts a ton of weight on the remainder of the group, and my being the senior-most part makes it hard for me to oversee.
I trust you comprehend that we as people can work just for a specific time range and furthermore take up a specific burden. It would be extremely thankful for you to investigate the issue and give an answer at the soonest.
Yours sincerely,
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Template: 3
Employee Complaint Letter
Respected Mr. Hekins,
I, Bryan, the junior sales manager(territory) at Mc Donalds am composing this letter to you to submit a formal written complaint with respect to work promotion being allowed to less meriting up-and-comers in the organization. I trust you will pay attention to my concern and would make the important move.
Sir, I have been working dependably in this organization for a long time and have been guaranteed a raise in my salary and promotion for quite a while now. During my time period in this organization, I have seen in any event 3 less meriting and less experienced up-and-comers get promotions.
I might not want to take any names yet I think this is exceptionally segregating conduct. During my tenure here, I have consistently been devoted and there has been no grumbling or complaints against me. I neglect to comprehend the purpose behind this and might want you to investigate this issue.
I am by all accounts, not the only worker who feels along these lines and would demand you to make the advancement framework increasingly straightforward.
Expressing gratitude toward you
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Template: 4
Employee Complaint Letter
Respected Sir,
My name is Ariana Jones and I am working as Content Creator for XYZ Companies Pvt. Ltd throughout the previous 2 years. I am composing this letter to illuminate you that it has been seven days since I had applied for a five-day leave, from 2nd May 2020 to 7th May 2020 yet tragically, there hasn’t been any reaction yet and consequently, I was constrained to keep in touch with you once again to guarantee my supplication is cared for appropriately.
I have consistently been an admirer of your administrative capacities and the authoritative aptitudes you display in the undertakings concerning the organization. I have never confronted such a condition before where my solicitation or petition(s) had been disregarded. I am certain there has been a type of miscommunication for which the intrigue still stays unattended to.
Be that as it may, I might want to illuminate you that it is incredibly critical for me to have this leave allowed as I need to leave the station for a significant individual issue. I would comprehend if there’s an issue identified with the equivalent, however kindly let me know inside this week, for I would then have a degree to overhaul the plans in like manner.
I would be obliged on the off chance that you could manage this issue at the most punctual, as I might again want to express that this leave is significant for me. I would be anticipating for your answer.
Yours sincerely,
Ariana Jones
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“Business, marketing, and blogging – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, HR, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.”