When you are running a corporation or organization you work with plenty of other organizations to make your business as successful as you have always wanted it to be and for that a contract is made with your clients.
When such a situation takes place that you need to decline a particular client’s contract extension request due to some reason then it is very important that you write the decline letter carefully.
To help you with it, I have framed a useful sample letter, referring to which you will be able to write yours.
Template: 1
[ Insert the Sender’s Address]
———- [ Address Line1] ———–
———- [ Address Line 2] ————
[ Insert the Date of sending the letter]
[ Insert the Receiver’s Name]
[ Insert the Receiver’s Address]
———- [ Address Line1] ———–
———- [ Address Line 2] ————
Dear Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. [ Insert the name of whomsoever it is concerned to]
Sub: [ Insert the Subject Concerned to The Letter]
Greetings of the day!
We had recently reviewed your request for a contract extension [ Insert the necessary details of the contract].
You have been a part of [ insert the name of the organization] since [insert the number of years of contract with the beneficiary company] year/ [s]. We would like to appreciate the diligence, commitment, and hard work you have shown towards the well-being of this organization.
The management admits that the quality of your work is of a supreme kind and that it is assured to bring success to the ventures you have invested your time in.
We, the team at [ Insert the name of the organization] agrees to provide equal opportunities to its clients. We do wish to give an opportunity to another client of ours, this time.
After forethoughtful discussions with the management, we are very sorry to let you know that, due to the above-stated reason, we will not be able to proceed with your request for an extension of the contract.
We appreciate your interest in discussing the matter with us and wish you the very best for your future growth
Thanks, and Regards,
[ Insert the Full Name of the Sender]
[ Insert the Designation], [ Insert the Name of the Organization]
[ Insert the Contact Details]
Download Template :
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“Business, marketing, and blogging – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, HR, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.”