Your team has hired a new Diversity and Inclusion Manager. It is an accepted practice for the Human resources Manager to welcome him or her to the new job role.
For this, you should be writing a professional welcome letter congratulating the person on their selection and also greeting them to your company.
You may also assure them of the best possible work atmosphere that shall be provided to him or them and request him to contact you in case of any problems.
Template: 1
[Mention the name of the sender]
[Mention the Address of the sender]
[Mention the contact information of the sender]
[Mention the name of the recipient]
[Mention the address of the recipient]
[Mention the contact information of the recipient]
Subject- Letter to Welcome the Diversity and Inclusion Manager
Dear [Mention the name of the Recipient]
We would like to have the pleasure of welcoming you to the company. The [mention the name of the company] welcomes you to the team as our new diversity and inclusion manager.
We hope your contribution will greatly impact the company in a positive way. We, the team members of the [mention the name of the company] are really very happy to have you in the team.
We are well-acknowledged about your talents, skills, and abilities and are looking forward to having you and your guide to the company so that the company could see the colors of success very soon.
Through this letter, we would like to invite you to the dinner we have arranged for you to make you understand your job role, responsibilities and all the rule and regulations relating to the company that will help you in your work, later.
If you face any kind of problem regarding your duty, kindly contact the human resource club for help. They would really help you as soon as possible.
Thank you so much for trusting us.
With regards,
[Hand-Written Signature]
[Notary or witness if required].
Download Template :
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“Business, marketing, and blogging – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, HR, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.”