When you are writing a nice recommendation letter for a person for the post of a Zumba instructor then you need to mention in it, how you know this individual, what are his or her positive traits and why you think he or she is suitable for this position.
The letter should be framed in a precise and organized manner. You can also refer to this effective sample letter of mine if you want, as having a look at it, you will be able to write yours with total convenience.
Letter Template: 1
[Your Name]
[Address, Zip Code]
[Name Of The Gym]
[Name Of The Addressee]
Sub- Recommendation for a Zumba instructor.
Dear [Name Of The Addressee],
I am glad to recommend [Name Of The Person] as an instructor of Zumba in this gym. [He/She] fits well with your requirements.
[Name Of The Person] has a license and is involved in this profession for long [Length Of Time]. I have seen [Him/her] working and trust me [He/She] is at [His/her] best. [He/She] has a well fit physique and is very health conscious. [He/She] takes care of people’s safety and avoids unnecessary risks during Zumba classes. [His/her] sharp and clear instructions always help his learners.
[He/She] is trustworthy and respectful to the clients. [He/She] motivates clients that they are doing great. [He/She] is patient enough. [He/She] has boundless dedication toward his work. These qualities make him a good Zumba instructor.
I am sure [He]/She] will work brilliantly so my support goes with [His/her]. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Signature].
Download Template :
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