Social Worker Welcome Letter Template

Your NGO or company has recruited a new social worker. It is your duty and accepted practice to welcome him or her to the new job role.

In order to do so you shall be expected to write a formal welcome letter congratulating the person on their selection and also greeting them to your organization.

You should also assure them of the best possible work atmosphere that shall be provided to him or them and request him to contact you in case of any queries or problems.

Template: 1

[Mention the name of the sender]

[Mention the Address of the sender]

[Mention the contact information of the sender]


[Mention the name of the recipient]

[Mention the address of the recipient]

[Mention the contact information of the recipient]

Subject- Letter to Welcome the Social Worker

Dear [Mention the name of the Recipient]

This letter is written with great enthusiasm to welcome you to the company. We at the [mention the name of the company] are sending you this letter to welcome you as our new Social worker.

We hope to establish a fluent yet professional environment at work. We would like to congratulate you on being selected, as our management team was very impressed with you during the interview and is looking forward to having you on the team.

Please accept this letter as an invitation to have a pleasant dinner with us at the [mention the time] in the [mention the venue with address, location, and contact information] on the date of you’re joining that is on [mention the date] to discuss upon some of the issues of the company, your responsibilities, your incentives based upon your work, Dos and DON’Ts and other things related with your work.

I Hope, we have made it all clear till now, in case you still have some queries, please feel free to ask for help at our human resource department. They will help you out.

Thanking you again, for choosing and trusting us to have a career with the [mention the name of the company].

With regards,

[Hand-Written Signature]


[Notary or witness if required].

Download Template :
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