Once They Reach the Age of 18, All U.S Citizen Should Be Automatically Registered to Vote

Turns out for the years two thousand eighteen government elections seem like it could break midterm records. That is great news, but in comparison to other developed democracies, America’s voter turnout is still appallingly low in numbers.

We trail most developed nations around the world and when it comes down to the number of American citizens of voting age who actually vote.

But when it comes down to the turnout of the number of registered voters, the United States of America is not one of the best countries in the whole world. That is because the United States of America makes it difficult for its people to come and register to vote for election.

The United States with the same day of registration, where voters can register themselves on the Day of the election, all saw better turn out in the year of two thousand sixteen than the national average amounts.

Additionally, ten percent of voters in states like Minnesota, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, and Idaho enrolled themselves on the Day of the election.

They were not lazy or ignorant and about a quarter of unlisted Americans say they want to vote but just have not gotten around to it. Others say it is quite problematic or they just do not know how to.

Oregon has solved this crisis. In the year two thousand fifteen, the United States of America enforced automatic voter registration.

Rather than the requirements of their citizens to register to vote for the election, any eligible citizen who has an interchange of conversation with the DMV, is like registering a vehicle for them or getting an identity card, this is automatically added to the voter registration easily.

In total,  two million and seventy-two thousand people were registered with this way, and more than that a third of them voted in the year of two thousand sixteen.

Turn out that in Oregon improved four percent of voters in the United States, from two thousand twelve to two thousand sixteen.

The countries like Sweden and Denmark, where the number of voters becomes exceeds eighty percent of their previous number when they have automatic registration. So do a host of other advanced democracies with high rates of turnout.

If the United States of America did the same thing our turnout would expand for sure — and it would make the elections less costly and more secure than ever it was ever before.

Rather than making it complicated where we have to re-register ourselves when we move to a new place or state, your registration would move with you.

This would lessen duplicate and fake registrations and help the administration to clean up the unwanted voter rolls.

And it would be cheaper because there are no enrolments on paper to process with, it would definitely save millions of dollars of the United States.

On a Tuesday, Nevada passed a poll measure to enforce automatic voter registration. The united state joined in with thirteen other states and Washington, DC, that will have computerized registration ready for the two thousand twenty elections.

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