A Speech on How Stress Affects Your Body

Nowadays stress is the part and parcel of our lives. Stress is such a dangerous thing that it may be affecting your health from within, even though you might not realize it. You may take respective medicines for that irritating headache, frequent insomnia or decreased productivity at work, but stress may actually be the root cause.

Stress symptoms can affect your body, mind, thoughts, feelings and even your behavior. If stress symptoms are recognized at a preliminary stage, they can be managed. But if stress symptoms are not taken care of, it may lead to severe health problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases and obesity.

When you are stressed your heart rate goes up as well as your blood pressure. Cortisol is released when we feel stressed but the level of this hormone should go down when the stressful moment is over. The problem arises if it doesn’t go down or normalize. 

A stress test does not deal with how to measure stress in your life, but it measures the amount of stress in your heart. People go for a stress test if they have been having certain symptoms like chest pain or palpitations.

Stress, if left unchecked for a long period of time, say for months or even years, it may lead to serious illnesses. 

The stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline, and epinephrine affect major areas of the body, interfere with sleep and increase the risk of stroke, high blood pressure, and heart disease, as well as causes depression and anxiety.

Stress also causes inflammation. Some reports have shown that chronic stress leads to increased inflammation in the body.

 Stress badly affects your digestive tract. The gastrointestinal tract is loaded with nerve endings and immune cells, all of which are affected by stress hormones. Due to this, stress can cause acid reflux as well as worsen the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. 

Our immune system is greatly affected by stress. A number of studies show that stress lowers immunity. Patients with autoimmune disorders often say that they get flare-ups during or after stressful events, or tell me that their condition began after a particularly stressful event.

Stress can muddle your brain. 

Stress can make you feel down all over and at all times. Stress makes us more sensitive to pain, and it can even cause pain due to muscular tension. 

At the point when you are confronted with pressure blood pressure may rise, heart may pound, muscles may fix, stomach may get tense, focus may deteriorate, and absent-mindedness may deteriorate. 

The drawn-out impacts of pressure: 

In the event that you are much of the time under pressure, you have to figure out how to oversee it well. Stress can influence your prosperity. Over the long run, you may show a portion of these indications: 

  • Frequent colds or influenza, cerebral pains, inconvenience dozing, muscle pressure, skin issues, issue with processing. 
  • Poor focus, absent-mindedness, learning issues, regular negative considerations, discourse issues. 
  • Anxiety, discouragement, outrage, touchiness, sentiments of vulnerability, absence of direction, relationship inconveniences. 
  • Eating inadequately, driving wildly, and manhandling liquor or medications, being clumsy, indicating animosity.

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