A Speech on Importance of Cleanliness

Good morning and a very warm welcome to everyone present here. I take extreme pleasure in welcoming you all to this event. Before I begin, I would like to extend my welcome to all the dignitaries present here today and I would like to thank everyone who worked hard for putting together this event and for providing me with this opportunity to share my thoughts with this gathering here today.

Some habits are so essential in life that we develop a sense for it from a very young age. Cleanliness is one such habit. From a very young age we are asked to tidy up our places and practice clean habits by our parents or guardians. Cleanliness is a way of life, it becomes so closely related to our daily lives that it becomes hard to distinguish between our normal life and the things we do for keeping things clean.

Cleanliness is practice for not only keeping things neat but also for the purpose of having an order in life. When things are left messy and shabby it is hard to find motivation required for going about in our daily life and it is important to have a neat working space to find the right motivation for completing the work. Also, untidy workplaces are looked down on because having messy workspaces means the employee is quite disorganised in their life.

Cleanliness also contributes to the health factor of a person as someone who is constantly exposed to unhealthy and untidy spaces as it can eventually bring a whole huge impact on the health of that person. Cleanliness does not only refer to keeping your space cleaning it can also refer to having a certain level of personal hygiene.

During this pandemic, when cleanliness is more essential than ever it is important to understand the need to have a proper personal hygiene regime. If one does not follow a proper routine for maintaining personal health it can have such huge adverse effects on the health of the person that it can even lead to death of the individual. It is hence very important for an individual to have a proper cleanliness regime and a personal hygiene routine so that they can stay safe from diseases that are so easy to catch.

Cleanliness is not  a habit that once can just start practicing all of a sudden. It mainly depends on the way you are able to make it a part of your life and practice it on a daily basis without your knowledge; that is, one has to make a routine out of it so that it stays as a part of your life and it is easy for you to practice it on a daily basis. This is why it is important for us adults to help our younger generation in understanding the need and importance of practicing and developing habits of cleanliness. We can encourage them to take baby steps towards this by first making them clean their own mess.

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