A Speech on Health Is Wealth Template

Good morning to each and everyone present here today. I am very happy to be able to talk with you about the importance of our health in our life.

As we all believe in this well known phrase “health is wealth” in our daily life. I want to give a short speech on this topic.

A healthy body is the main base to give us the ability to work well in every situation. It includes the physical and mental health of all persons. When a person maintains their good health, he/she opens the door to their happiness for a long period of time.

While maintaining one’s health, numerous factors are responsible like drinking freshwater in a regular basis, exercising every day, eating healthy foods, having a good sleep on time, etc. Healthy life also radiates from the people you spend time with on each and every day of your life.

Health contains lots of important ingredients. Even if one of the ingredients goes missing, a person cannot remain healthy. The main source of joy and bliss is our health for us. Before some time health was stated as ‘the ability of function well’ in mind and body. However, as the time passed, definitions and meaning of health changed very much. The condition and definition of being and remaining healthy doesn’t fully mean our physical fitness but also indicates to the full health of a person like emotional, mental, and social stability in every situation. Good health is the real wealth for every human being.

The World Health Organisation commemorates the World Health Day every year on April 7, to make the people well aware about the great importance of their health and cleanliness.

A healthy body holds the main factors that help in the proper functioning of the body. The main and most essential factor is the condition of the physical health. Physical health means that our body is devoid of any illness. When someone maintains proper physical health, they tend to have a long and problem free lifespan.

The best way to maintain physical well-being is through a balanced diet, including proper amount of nutrients. The next important factor is physical exercise on a regular basis. Our body can maintain the physical fitness, through the road of exercise. One should avoid alcohol and smoking habits and to avoid many health problems. Everyone should take adequate sleep (7-8 hours) everyday to continue to be in good health.

Another component is mental health of everyone. Mental health refers to a state of emotional and mental condition of a person. One’s mental health refers to the regular performance of mental processes leading to the good performance of one’s brain.

Sometimes parents give emphasis only on their children’s physical health. But to make their children powerful they need to give similar emphasis on their mental health as well.

We all have to try our best in giving proper attention to our mental health for our own happiness and try to teach our younger generation about the importance of good physical and mental health.

I really thank you all again for your time today.

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