If your boss or other coworkers are harassing you at work and you want to quit, you can write a resignation letter citing bullying and turn it in. Bullying is difficult to tolerate in any situation, but it can be more difficult to deal with when it occurs in a high-stress environment where you are required to remain.
Letter Template: 1
Resignation Letter Due to Bullying
[Mention the name of the sender]
[Mention the address of the sender]
[Mention the contact details]
[Mention the email address]
[Mention the date]
Subject- Resignation letter due to bullying
[Mention the name of the recipient]
[Mention the address of the recipient]
[Mention the contact information]
Dear [Mention the name of the recipient]
I’ve agreed to work for another organization. I am giving my two-week notice in this letter.
When leaving a job, some employees use cliches like it is with mixed emotions or my leaving is bittersweet to show their appreciation for the chance they were given. Due to the difficult circumstances I’ve faced over the past [Mention the number] years and the paucity of assistance I’ve received, I can’t say I’m very appreciative.
You make good-sounding claims about looking out for workers and fostering a positive work environment, but your deeds, or rather, your inaction leads me to doubt your sincerity. When staff members often experience bullying and mistreatment at the hands of their bosses and coworkers while being disregarded by [Mention the name] you are either oblivious to what is happening or you don’t care.
In my situation, I’m referring to Sam, my supervisor, who has managed to persuade you that everything is fine in the division despite the fact that staff members are frequently quitting and morale is pitifully low. When we try to voice issues as employees, they are dismissed. It only serves to highlight how effectively Sam has deceived you and [Mention the job position] into thinking that [Mention the name] is a wonderful person when, in reality, [Mention the name] is a first-class jerk.
In my situation, I’m referring to [Mention the name], my supervisor, who has managed to persuade you that everything is fine in the division despite the fact that staff members are frequently quitting and morale is pitifully low.
[Mention the name]
[Mention the profession]
[Mention the contact details].
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Letter Template: 2
Resignation Letter Due to Bullying
[Mention the name of the sender]
[Mention the address of the sender]
[Mention the contact details]
[Mention the email address]
[Mention the date]
Subject- Resignation letter due to bullying
[Mention the name of the recipient]
[Mention the address of the recipient]
[Mention the contact information]
Dear [Mention the name of the recipient]
However, I want to congratulate you for being a great manager. I value the time you invested in talking with me about my worries. I know you did everything you could to enhance our working circumstances, but the fact that senior management has consistently disregarded your efforts suggests that nothing is likely to change anytime soon. I truly hope that my resignation won’t have any negative effects on you.
I should have enough time to finish my homework in two weeks. I anticipate that my responsibilities will be carried out as usual in accordance with current policy. However, I’ll be happy to see that my trickier accounts are sorted before I go.
After I made the error of going to HR, my experience got much worse. I was fair and professional when I voiced my concerns, pointing out [Mention the name]’s positive traits while also pointing out obvious behavioral issues that I shouldn’t have to put up with. I didn’t intend to get [Mention the name] fired, but I still paid a price. [Mention the name] replied quickly after learning of my worries by denying me possibilities that would have supported my professional development and chances for progress. It’s obvious that HR won’t take any action to defend me or oppose you, especially given how highly you esteem [Mention the name].
Your loss is mine. Working for a company that has a solid reputation for looking out for its employees and not accepting bullying by anyone excites me. When managers act poorly, their bosses don’t ramble as you do.
I blame [Mention the name], but I blame you more. Everyone loses out as a result of your blind loyalty to [Mention the name] and refusal to acknowledge the issue, including [Mention the name] who, with a little assistance, could improve. Better is due to the workforce. Get a backbone, stop supporting bullies, and wake up!
[Mention the name]
[Mention the profession]
[Mention the contact details].
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Letter Template: 3
Resignation Letter Due to Bullying
[Mention the name of the sender]
[Mention the address of the sender]
[Mention the contact details]
[Mention the email address]
[Mention the date]
Subject- Resignation letter due to bullying
[Mention the name of the recipient]
[Mention the address of the recipient]
[Mention the contact information]
Dear [Mention the name of the recipient]
I regret to notify you that, as of right away, I must resign from my employment as a counselor.
My boss told me about a coworker who was critiquing my work [Mention the number] weeks ago. She allegedly acquired access to my work and personal information, according to my bosses. She then informed my manager and the office manager of my alleged file problems and policy violations.
I may have made a mistake, but I think it is unacceptable to let another employee snoop through my space without my permission. Because of your refusal to protest this invasion of my privacy, I can no longer feel secure working for [Mention the name] corporation.
I’ve been in turmoil ever since [Mention the name] corporation appointed a new manager. Employees and managers should have a respectful and helpful working relationship. Instead, the management style of our current manager involves verbal abuse and bullying.
Unfortunately, my particular business philosophy, which encourages a more considerate approach, is in direct opposition to these strategies. In addition to being morally repugnant for me to work in such a hostile environment, doing so is also physically and mentally exhausting.
I have enjoyed my time working here up until now, so I did not make this decision lightly. The work is both interesting and difficult. I have learned valuable skills that will be helpful in the future during my time here.
I am sorry that I had to depart so suddenly under these conditions. But I am providing precise instructions that explain each of my tasks in detail so that my successor can take over my responsibilities without undue difficulty.
Mention the name]
[Mention the profession]
[Mention the contact details].
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Letter Template: 4
Resignation Letter Due to Bullying
[Mention the name of the sender]
[Mention the address of the sender]
[Mention the contact details]
[Mention the email address]
[Mention the date]
Subject- Resignation letter due to bullying
[Mention the name of the recipient]
[Mention the address of the recipient]
[Mention the contact information]
Dear [Mention the name of the recipient]
I am writing to inform you that I am quitting my position at [Mention the name] communications as a result of the harassment I have experienced since being recently promoted to assistant manager. Since receiving my promotion, I have been the target of verbal abuse, threatening texts, and other forms of harassment, and I can no longer take the stress I am experiencing at work. Please accept this letter as my official one-week notice of resignation as my final day will be [Mention the day],[Mention the month], and [Mention the year].
I sincerely regret any inconvenience my resignation may have caused. I won’t be going back to the office at all, but when my current project is finished, I’ll fax it over. I’m hoping that by bringing this issue to your attention, prospective employees will not be subjected to harassment in the future. Please feel free to get in touch with me at [Mention the[Mention the phone number] or [Mention the email address] if you want to talk about this topic in more detail.
I am grateful for the wealth of knowledge I have gained while working at [Mention the name] communications, and I am confident that it will be useful to me in my future pursuits. I thank you for your understanding and tolerance with me throughout this period and wish the business ongoing success.
My heartfelt thanks,
[Mention the name]
[Mention the profession]
[Mention the contact details].
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