VP Position Recommendation Letter Template

Letter Template: 1

[Name of the Sender]

[Name of the Company]

[Title of Job]

[Address, Zip Code]




[Name of the Recipient]

[Name of the Company]

[Title of Job]

[Address, Zip Code]

Sub- Recommendation for VP position.

Dear [Name of the Recipient],

It gives me immense pleasure to recommend [Name of The Person] for the position of Vice President in our company. [Hershel] is the most deserving candidate for this position.

I have worked with [Name of The Person] for [Length of Time].  [He/She] fits all the requirements of this position. [He/She] has a great dedication to work. [He/She] understands [His/Her] duties and responsibilities very well.

[He/She] is hardworking, and always comes up with innovative ideas for a project. [His/Her] management skill is at its best. [He/She] is a great communicator and always extends [His/Her] helping hands to everyone. With great professional skills, he possesses good personal qualities which make [Him/Her] admirable.

I cannot find any better candidate than [Him/Her]. [His/Her] leadership quality, high level of expertise, and confidence make [Him/Her] perfectly eligible for this position. For queries, contact me.

Yours sincerely,

[Name of the Sender].

recommendation letter for vp position

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