A Speech on “Lyrics in A Song Can Impact Our Lives.”

Music has been a great asset to our lives and is scientifically proven to have a very powerful effect on the brain of any living being. Some modern research has shown that music can help in various parts or aspects of the brain, including some special benefits like reduction of pain, stress relief, memory loss problems, and various types of brain injuries.

According to some researchers, music has the ability to stimulate many areas of our brain in a good way, thus helping us with various types of recovery and treatment procedures. Let’s look at some of those ways in which music can help us in the healing and stimulation process of the human brain.

Some studies have proven that listening to the music of a patient’s choice has the ability to reduce pain and increase functional mobility in a very significant way. They believe that music has the power to ease many pains as listening to it triggers opioids, which are the natural pain relievers of our body. Various types of drug in taking by the patients decreases while listening to their favorite music or songs.

Depending on the various types of music you are listening to, relaxing music can reduce stress by decreasing our cortisol levels, which is the special hormone which releases as a result of stress.

Music has a great impact on our memory.

Studies regarding the relation of music with the memory recall process had increased for many years since those types of research first emerged. Listening to certain music has the power to take your mind to the past timeline of some decades within an instant.  According to some well-known research, Music has the power to evoke our emotions, and those emotions are able to bring with it some memories, thus bringing back the feeling of life and joy when no other things can.

Some experiments proved that compared to the usual care, singing and listening to music can improve mood, orientation, and the problems of episodic memory and also the other brain functions. Singing can also enhance our short-term and working memory in many cases.

It has been notified that the brains of epileptic patients tend to respond differently to music than other people who do not have the problem of epilepsy. Music always helps them to feel relaxed and stress-free at the same time. Stroke patients who listen to songs and music in the early stages after having a stroke can show an improvement in the recovery process, according to a 2008 study.

In the year of 1973, a treatment based on music called Melodic intonation therapy was created and developed to help stroke survivors or people who suffering from aphasia to be able to gain the ability to communicate again. The purpose and target of the therapy are to convert the art of singing into speech.  And it has been found that even though the patients cannot speak, they are often able to sing with some clarity.

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