Secret Love Letters: 4 Types Templates

Expressing your feeling of love to someone secretly feels more like a detective than a lover. Sometimes we cannot express ourselves to that person whom we loved the most. There might be any reason behind it.

Maybe your shy nature or your introverted nature or fear to lose your loved one. But it is also true that one day you will express yourself to your loved ones. It takes time, but a day will come when no one can stop you from expressing yourself.

Template: 1

secret love letters

Dear, “name of your loved one.”

We were in 7th or 8th standard, before summer vacation a new girl gets admission to section B and I was in section A. One of my classmates randomly came to me and asked “hey, have you heard about that new girl who joined our class in the B section.

I replied, “yes, buddy!!!”. That’s all that happened before the summer vacation began. I saw a girl with a bob-cut hairstyle, small earrings, and cat-eye-shaped specs at that moment I fell for that girl and yes, it was “YOU”.

So, luckily we shared the same pool car, and for me, it was like a cherry on the cake. Gradually, we start our conversation. Years passed away, as a friend, we shared some good moments and had some controversies, some conflict, and some care for each other.

It was a one-sided love from my side, but it was genuine. Well, I have no idea what you feel about me, but our friendship was strong enough.

We passed our high school, choose our destination. I know I’ve never told you this before, but yes, I love you.


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