Letter to Decline a College Admission: 4 Template

[ Insert the Sender’s Address]

———- [ Address Line1] ———–

———- [ Address Line 2] ————

[ Insert the Date of sending the letter]

[ Insert the Receiver’s Name]

[ Insert the Receiver’s Address]

———- [ Address Line1] ———–

———- [ Address Line 2] ————

Dear Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. [ Insert the name of whomsoever it is concerned to]

SUB: [ Insert the subject concerned to the letter] 

Greetings of the day!

I, first, would wish to extend my utmost gratitude to you, and the organization, for offering me admission for [ Insert the respective course enrolled] under the Department of [ Insert the Department of the course being offered]. I earnestly appreciate the efforts you have taken to choose me for this position.

I understand that being a part of [ Insert the name of the concerned college or university] has been every student’s desire, and I deem it a privilege to have received an admission here.

I am deeply interested in the field of [ insert a relevant field of interest]. A course in [ insert the name of the course enrolled] wouldn’t fetch me opportunities to pursue what I desire.

I am writing this letter to let you know that, after a lot of deliberation, I have come to a decision that I will not be able to accept this enrollment.

Thank you once again for offering me an enrollment for this course, and considering me for the same. I hope that through this enrollment withdrawal, another passionate child would get a brighter future.

Sincere Regards,

 [ Insert the Full Name of the Sender]

 [ Insert the contact details]

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Letter to Decline a College Admission

[Name of the sender]

[Contact details and address of the sender]

[Insert the Date of sending the letter]


[Insert the Receiver’s Name]

[Designation of the receiver]

[Name of the institution]

 [Insert the Receiver’s Address]

[Contact details of the Receiver]

Sub: Letter to Decline a College Admission

Dear [Name of the recipient],

First of all, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to you for giving me this special chance for getting admission for the course of (Mention the name and details of the course) under the department of (Mention the details) for the academic year (Mention the year). I am really thankful to you for your willingness to give me this great opportunity.

I feel really grateful to you and the entire institution for giving me this opportunity to pursue my studies here, as it was a long time dream of my life. But after some careful thought I am writing this letter to inform you, that I am unable to accept this enrolment for my problem of (Mention the details). 

Though I am really thankful to you for offering me this special chance but, I also feel sorry for not being able to accept this. I hope another deserving candidate will get this special chance instead of me.

Hope you will try to understand my situation and oblige me.

Thank you very much,

With regards,

[Name of the sender]

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Letter To Decline A College Admission

[Name of the sender]

[Contact details of the sender]

[Address of the sender]

[Insert the Date of sending the letter]


[Insert the Receiver’s Name]

[Designation of the receiver]

[Name of the institution]

 [Insert the Receiver’s Address]

[Contact details of the Receiver]

Sub: Letter to Decline a College Admission

Dear [Name of the recipient],

I am writing this letter to you to convey my gratitude for selecting me to study about the subject (Mention the details of the subject) at your institution (Mention the name and details of the institution) and under the department of (Mention the details) for the academic year (Mention the details of the academic year). 

Though I feel really very honored for your positive thoughts about me, I want to inform you about the fact that, I have already decided to attend the college named (Mention the details and name of the college) as it is very close to my residence, which is (Mention the details). For this reason, I don’t have to travel for a long time. 

Though I will not be able to accept your offer, but I feel very grateful to you and your institution for giving me this special recognition for my past scores.

I hope another more deserving candidate than me will get this special chance to study at your reputed institution instead of me.

Hope you will try to understand my problem and oblige me.

Thank you very much for your kindness and consideration,

With regards,

[Name of the sender]

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