Letter Template: 1
Recipient name
Organization name
Subject: letter of inquiry for membership
Dear (Sir/Madam)
I am very excited to join your organization as a member. So, I want to know about the criteria for getting a membership in your organization.
I would like to know the amount which I have to give you for getting this membership. I came to know that your organization had extra circular activities for young stars, teenagers, and adolescents; that inspired me very much.
So, you being the president of this organization, I would like to ask you about the activities. I also want to know about the facilities that are available in your organization.
I would like to know about the rules and regulations; so that I can maintain them properly. I also want to know about the monthly/ yearly fees after joining.
I want to know about the achievements that made this organization a unique one. I also want to know the documents which I have to submit.
Kindly help me with all the details as soon as possible, so that I can join your organization as a member.
Thank you very much.
Sender name
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