The below offer letter for talent scout was drafted by our experts after studying numerous offer letters for IT Consultant. All possible aspects like a career path, role, perks, benefits, leaves and job location, duration of the contract, and salary offered are covered safeguarding the interest of the recruiter.
By using this draft, you can save your important time and use it in other productive works. You can easily input details of the company and customize it as per your requirement.
Letter Template: 1
[Company name/logo]
[Mention date]
[Candidate’s name]
[Candidate’s complete address]
Subject: Job offer letter for the position of an IT consultant
Dear [ candidate name],
Here I would like to offer you the job position of an IT consultant for our esteemed organization. Your skills in this field, experiences, and educational background make you a proper fit for this position.
And so after the shortlisting process, we think you will be properly fit for this position so now here I offer you this job position of an IT consultant in our organization.
As an IT consultant of our company, there are the following duties which you should surely take over, provide strategic advice on using the technology to achieve goals properly understand the customer requirements and business objectives, manage the IT initiatives and collaborate with the in-house technical staff, revise the existing systems and suggest for improvements, produce reports, design the IT systems and networks ensuring the right architecture and functionality, give proper training to the users in new and existing IT systems, provide assistance with the technical issues, support the new technology implementation.
Your starting salary for the post of an IT consultant will be [ mention salary], and it will be paid on a [monthly/weekly] basis through [ check, bank deposit, etc.].
Apart from this salary, you will be entitled to other benefits and perks like [ mention details]. You should also maintain our company’s terms and conditions properly as an employee.
And if you agree to join this position with the mentioned terms and conditions, please send back this letter with your signature and make us sure about your acceptance of this job offer. After getting your proper response, we will send you all the joining date and place details.
If you have any query related to any topic of this job, feel free to contact us with this contact [ mention contact details].
Thank you,
Yours sincerely,
[ Mention name]
[Handwritten signature of the sender]
[Designation in the company]
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