A formal letter describing the character and personality of a person is known as a character letter. It gives certain details about a person who is not known to others. It is also known as personal reference or character reference.
It is typically requested for job applications or legal proceedings, etc. The only person who can write a character reference about another person should know the other person very well.
What is a character reference letter?
Character letters can vouch for somebody’s behavior, good qualities, and personality as a whole. It includes certain specific details or instances where the individual displayed positive traits like honesty, responsibility, hard work, leadership skills, social skills, etc. Creating a story using these examples is the best way to showcase the individual’s skills.
Character letters also include the writers’ interactions with the individual and describe the kind of relationship the two parties hold. Character letters may be the make or break for making decisions when it comes to educational institutions, employers, legal professionals, etc, as they give more information about the individual’s character.
What is to be included in a character reference letter?
Include an introduction
Start the character letter with a small introduction about yourself and the relationship you have with the individual. You should also explain the purpose of writing your letter.
Include specific details about the individual
Adding particular instances and examples that show the individual’s personality, work ethic, behavior, leadership skills, and other personal qualities is a good way to write a character letter.
Include certain context
Context is key when writing a personal reference. This should include the nature of your relationship with the individual, how long you’ve known them, and certain details about you both that would help in establishing your credibility.
Include a conclusion
Finish the letter by reaffirming your backing for the individual and summing up your general evaluation of them. You could additionally also offer to provide more data or clarify any queries the receiver might have.
Include your contact information
Make sure to provide your contact information by way of your phone number, email address, etc., if the receiver has any additional inquiries or wishes to confirm your legitimacy.
How to write a character reference letter (Tips)
A character letter not only acts as a personal recommendation for the individual but also legitimizes you as a person. Here are some useful tips you can follow when writing your character reference:
Positive references are preferred
This shouldn’t be where you discuss an individual’s internal or external flaws. Applicants ought to choose referrals they believe will talk favorably of them, and referrals ought to accept only if they believe they can legitimately testify to the individual’s finest qualities.
Sincerity is essential
When drafting a character letter, honesty is essential. Be honest and avoid exaggerating or embellishing the individual’s merits. This just makes the individual seem too good to be true and may put doubt in the minds of the employers. Give particular instances and information to back up your views.
Brief letters are preferable
Character references should usually not go over a single page in length. Understand that recruiters and supervisors who hire are extremely busy individuals who may be considering other prospects. Employers will read your letters if they are detailed yet concise.
Specific examples are crucial
Although an overview of characteristics is useful, specific instances that back up and demonstrate these characteristics assist companies in better comprehending how an applicant would behave in different situations in everyday life.
You may, for example, discuss how the person handled a challenging circumstance within the workplace or how they went beyond what was expected to assist a colleague in need.
Private information should be avoided
The personal reference should not go into depth regarding a candidate’s internal troubles or other personal concerns that they might not desire their potential employer to know about.
Key takeaways
Only provide a personal reference for somebody who has characteristics you can directly address. Get information, such as the receiver’s name, email address, and time frame for submission. Request an updated resume and information on the position that requires a recommendation. Include clear instances in which they have demonstrated key qualities and personality traits.
Letter Template: 1
Character Letter Example
Dear [sir or Madam],
I have known [mention the name of the person] for [mention the time period]. We first became acquainted with each other back in [mention the year] while working at [mention the name of the organization or firm]. At that time, while I was already working as a [mention the post], he or she started as [mention the role].
He or she is everything that you would want to see in a perfect candidate. Be it in terms of education or skills, or experience. He or she is also a very dedicated person, thoroughly committed to work. He or she had to work even on weekends for some critical projects of the company, but I have never seen him or her complain ever.
In fact, he or she always made sure to finish his or her work on time before looking after personal matters. Also, I have never seen him or her lose his or her calm during work.
On the personal front, he or she is jolly, always high-spirited, and optimistic. All his or her colleagues praise him or her for his or her vivacious personality. Hanging out with him or her outside work is always fun, and he or she has the capability of coming up with great work ideas in the midst of fun conversations, thus handling both personal and professional life with ease.
I am confident that [mention the name of the person] will always do well wherever he or she goes as he or she is truly a genuine person, and it is hard to find such people these days.
I am available at [mention the contact no.]. You can speak to me any time you want if you wish to get further details on him or her. You can also alternatively drop a mail at [mention the email ID]. I will reach out to you whenever I can.
Name and signature
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Letter Template: 2
Character Letter Example
Dear [sir or Madam],
I am writing this character letter for [mention the name of the person]. He or she is a very close friend of mine, and I have known him or her for a very long time now. We have been friends ever since our high school days, and we have grown up together in the same neighborhood.
I would like to tell you that [mention the name of the person] is a very kind, compassionate, and responsible person. He or she takes good care of his or her family and supports them to his or her best level.
Coming from good family background, he or she has received good values and treats everyone with respect. On weekends, he or she visits old-age homes, helping people and spending quality time with them, spreading joy and laughter. He or she has always been good towards his or her friends, supporting them as much as he or she can.
Being a hardworking and meritorious student, he has received [mention the name of the degree] from [mention the name of the institution] and has acquired all the skills of a good [mention the name of the post].
He or she has even served [mention the name of the organization] for [mention the time period] and has gained certificates and awards for the job done. Being a working professional myself, in the noted [mention the name of the company], I am sure that he or she will do great in life, climbing the high success ladder.
Kindly consider him or her for the post of a [mention it]. He or she will make sure to contribute fairly to your organization.
In case of more details on him or her, feel free to dial [mention the contact no.] or write at [mention the email ID]. I will be glad to provide more details or answer any questions about [mention the name of the person].
Name and signature
Letter Template: 3
Character reference Letter Example
Dear [sir or Madam],
I am writing this letter for [mention the name of the person]. He or she is very close to me. He or she is a relative of mine. I have known him or her ever since his or her childhood, and I can confidently say that he or she is the best candidate for the post of [mention it] in your organization.
He or she does not just belong to a good family background of highly educated people, but he or she has also received the prestigious [mention the name of the degree] from one of the most renowned institutions of the country, [mention it]. He or she has always been meritorious and sincere ever since his or her childhood and has always worked hard to create the perfect resume.
He or she is also a pretty determined kid and has tried to acquire all the skills that are needed for this post. He or she also has a [mention the time period] experience of working as an intern at [mention the name of the corporation or organization] and during that period, he or she received many certificates and recognition for the kind of work he or she has done. I am proud that he or she is my [mention your relationship with the person].
Personally, he or she always likes to help others and is a very kind and compassionate person. He or she is also very adjustable, calm, and intelligent by nature. I have never heard of any complaints against him or her ever.
If you hire him or her for the above-mentioned role, then he or she will always prove to be a valuable asset to your company and never a liability. I am sure he or she will grow in life to be truly successful.
In case you require any more information about him or her, please feel free to call me at [mention your contact no.] or at [mention the email ID].
Name and signature
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Letter Template: 4
Character Letter Example
It is a joy to be writing this character letter for [mention the name of the person]. I truly think that he or she is the best candidate for [mention the name of the post] in your prominent organization [mention the name].
I have known him or her for the last [mention the number of years]. He or she used to work with me in [mention the name of the organization] and has always been more like a friend and less than a colleague. I have never met such a helpful, kind, hardworking, and positive person who loves to spread happiness wherever he or she goes.
Right from the first day of working together, he or she cared for me, helping me in my work and taking extra responsibilities whenever I had to take a leave. He or she has a very good heart and has good views regarding the victims of [mention it] and has always given enough effort so that they can lead a good life. Working in an NGO isn’t easy, as one needs to be mentally prepared to take care of some serious situations, but he or she always manages everything with ease.
He or she took care of the victims, made them smile, helped them on the weekends with [mention the name] activities, and gave given them the hope that they, too, have the right and can lead a good life. He or she always inspired me to do better in life.
I would once again strongly recommend you kindly consider [mention the name of the person] for this position, and I know that he or she will add value to the name of your organization.
In case you need additional detail about him or her, you can always connect with me at [mention the email ID] or [mention your contact no.].
Name and signature
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Letter Template: 5
Request for Reference Letter from Professor Sample
Subject: A Request for Recommending me for the respective job
Respected sir/madam,
I am writing this letter to inform you that I [ your name ] had been your student for last [ time span] years. I had undertaken [ number] of classes from you during my graduation/post-graduation studies at [ name of college ].
I had been expecting that you would be well-informed about my abilities and also my personal profile. And therefore, I am requesting you to write a recommendation letter for me.
I am really obliged for the way you have guided me for [ name of subjects] during the final year of graduation. I find myself really lucky to be part of this institute and to be associated with you as a student.
It is because of your contribution in my life as an excellent professor, I was able to grow in the academic field.
You may be aware of the fact that I had done graduation with a specialization in [ specialization name ] from [ university name] and scored above [ percent] %.
You may have also come across the percentage that I had scored at [ name of school ] in high school diploma above [ percent]%.
I have also done post graduation diploma in the field of journalism from [ name of college] as per your guidance and scored above [ percent ]%.
You have been best guide in every respect and I do entrust you to endorse my abilities to the respective companies where I am interested in putting my efforts.
I have attached my resume with this letter, where you will be able to find information regarding my educational background. Kindly let me know your opinion on whether you are looking forward to promoting my profile to the respective companies. I am ready to give further details to make the recommendation task easier from your end, sir/madam.
Thanking you for reading this letter and finding time to review the request.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,
[ name of person]
[ signature]
[ date]
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Letter Template: 6
Professional Reference Letter
[Mention your name]
[Mention the name of your company]
[Mention the address of your company]
[Mention your email ID]
[Mention the date]
[Mention the recipient’s name]
[Mention the recipient’s company name]
[Mention the recipient’s company address]
Dear [mention the name of the recipient],
I am pleased to write this reference letter for [mention the name of the candidate]. I sincerely believe that he or she will be the best match for the role of a [mention the name of the position] at your company.
I have worked with him or her for the last [mention the number of years] at [mention the name of the company or organization] and for all those years, I trained him or her. He or she worked directly under my supervision. In all those years, he or she has constantly proved himself or herself to be a strong employee, very much able of taking up major projects and executing them with perfection. He or she has always remained calm and in fact, has always been cheerful and positive even in projects with tight deadlines. He or she never failed to motivate his or her co-workers whenever they felt stressed.
You would rarely come across such a person who is good at getting the big picture as well as handling the small details. As a [mention the name of the department] consultant here at [mention the name of your company], he had offered great event ideas to clients and then upon approval, looked after them from beginning to completion.
As the vacancy available in your company is of a similar post, I believe that he or she will be ideal for this role. Being a happy-go-lucky person, he or she would smoothly blend with your company’s atmosphere and would be a great fit there, helping you to build strong professional connections and maintain them.
I once again highly refer him or her as a potential [mention the role] at your corporation. He or she would be a major asset to your company. You can get in touch with me at [mention the email ID] or [mention the phone no.] if you have questions about him or her.
[your hand-written signature]
Letter Template: 7
Personal Reference Letter
[Mention your Name]
[Job Title]
[Mention the Company Name]
[Address, Zip Code]
[Mention Phone No.]
[Mention the Addressee’s Name]
[Mention the Job Title]
[Mention the Company Name]
[Address, Zip Code]
[Mention the Phone number]
Subject- Personal reference letter for webmaster
Dear [mention addressee’s Name],
I am writing this letter to personally recommend [mention the name of the person] for the position of webmaster in your reputable organization. I believe that he or she is the best candidate for this role.
I have known him or her since the last [mention the time period]. We live in the same neighborhood and I have closely observed him or her, and have known him or her well outside work. He or she is a very hardworking and sincere person even in his or her personal life, refusing to back down and facing challenges with courage.
Even when he or she had to go through a bad divorce in the month of [mention it], he or she didn’t give up and have single-handedly taken care of his or her family and have side by side managed professional life as well. He or she has a good reputation in the neighborhood.
All of us hold him or her in the highest regard for his or her positivity, faith in God, and a true, fine character. He or she is also a very helpful person, helping all in need, and being there always.
Professionally, he or she has handled all his or her tasks and responsibilities with perfection, whether it’s building easy-to-use websites or ensuring site security, testing them. He or she has even achieved the title of [mention it] in the last year. What truly surprises me is the way he or she never shows discomfort or displeasure over anything.
I have seen him or her giving his or her best to the company always. A truly talented, and knowledgeable person like him or her will only be an asset to your company, never a liability.
I would again strongly recommend him or her for your company as a webmaster. If you have any queries then please feel free to reach out to me at [mention the email ID] or [mention the contact no.].
Letter Template: 8
Reference for Student Letter
[Name of the sender]
[Name of the organization]
[Title of the job]
[Address, zip code]
[Name of the recipient]
[Name of the institution]
[Title of the job]
[Address, zip code]
Sub-reference for the student.
Dear [name of the recipient],
I am writing this reference letter for [name of the person] who is applying for [name of the school program] in your prestigious institution. My preference always goes with the most deserving one, and in this case, I want to refer [name of the person].
I have known [name of the person] for [length of time]. [He/she] is my [state their relation]. [He/she] has great academic achievements and is very talented. [His/her] depth of knowledge makes [him/her] eligible for such school program. [He/she] never says no to hard work and is dedicated towards [his/her] study.
[Name of the person] possesses great personal traits which make [him/her] different from others. [He/she] is honest and sincere. [He/she] always shows [his/her] kind, and respectful behavior towards everyone. [He/she] has huge passion for [his/her] study.
I cannot find any better candidate but [person’s name] for this school program. Please consider my reference.
[Name of the sender].
Letter Template: 9
Company Reference Letter
[Name of the sender]
[Name of the organization]
[Title of job]
[Address, zip code]
[Name of the recipient]
[Name of the company]
[Title of job]
[Address, zip code]
Sub: Company Reference Letter
Dear [name of the recipient],
It is my great pleasure to write this reference letter for [name of the company]. This company provides [name of the services] to their customers.
I had a nice experience with this company as they have worked for me. That is why; I can assure you that this company will be very helpful for your project work. They do a brilliant job, are always punctual and offer you the most competitive rate in the town.
Their employees are hard-working and dedicated to serving their customers. This company always keeps its promise and works exactly as you want them to work.
I was always satisfied with their work. Their association proved to be fruitful for my business. So, my strongest reference is with [name of the company]. I request you to consider my reference. For any questions regarding this matter, please contact me.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
[Name of the sender].
Letter Template: 10
Friend Reference Letter
[Name of the sender]
[Name of the organization]
[Title of job]
[Address, zip code]
[Name of the recipient]
[Name of the organization]
[Title of job]
[Address, zip code]
Sub: Friend Reference Letter
Dear [name of the recipient],
I am writing this letter to refer you of [person’s name] for volunteer work in your organization. To refer someone for volunteer work needs the person to be trustworthy and pose a certain amount of passion for the work and I believe [he/she] would be a great choice for this.
I know [person’s name] for [length of time] and [he/she] is a dear friend of mine. As a person, [name of the person] is very humble and honest, but when the team needed a leader [he/she] stood out on many occasions. [His/her] attitude towards work not only drives [him/her] to bring out the best in him but also motivates his other teammates as well.
It gives me immense pleasure to refer my friend as a volunteer in your organization, and I am sure that your organization will be benefited greatly from having [his/her] service.
[Name of the sender].
Letter Template: 11
Business Reference Letter
Subject: Business Reference Letter
Respected sir/madam,
I am writing this letter to reference the services of (mention company name) to you. For the past (mention years) our company has been working with (mention name of the business partner) on different kinds of projects. The company offers high-quality services at a reasonable price. We are very satisfied with their service and it also helps us to grow our business.
[Describe the project in which you are working with the company]. We got a very good result and hike in our business after connecting with them. They are very dedicated to their work and very punctual with their business partners, which helps us to grow our business more in the market.
I would like to suggest you to work with the company [mention company name]. I strongly reference the services of the company for your business.
For further queries, you can reach us at [mention phone number] or through an email [mention email address.
Name of sender
Letter Template: 12
[Name of the recipient],
[Address of the recipient],
Sub: Letter of reference for good character
Dear (Sir /Madam),
To whom it may concern,
I am writing this letter to refer (name of the person) for the position to which he /she will apply. I have known him closely for the last (mention the time period) years.
He /she has several good qualities in his /her character. He /she is a very kind and responsible person. He/she is very polite and obedient before his / her elders and seniors and very friendly towards his / her juniors.
He/she has a pure heart and some remarkable talent as well. He/ she has the ability to fight and overcome various problems with a strong determination. He/she can be a precious gem for any institution.
I highly recommend him/ her for your institution with confidence that he/she will not disappoint you.
If you have any queries feel free to contact me. My contact detail is (mention the contact details).
Thank you very much,
[Name of the sender],
[Company name].
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Letter Template: 13
[Name of the recipient],
[Address of the recipient],
Sub: Letter of reference for good character
Dear (Sir / Madam),
This letter is to certify that I have known [mention the name of the person] for the last [mention the time period] years. [Mention the person’s first name] has the best of qualities as it is to be expected in a good citizen in this country. To the best of my knowledge, [mention the person’s first name] has never been associated with any illegal activities.
Nor has [mention the person’s first name] been known to be unethical as per my good knowledge. [Mention the first name of the person]’s virtues as a kind, caring, gentle, and the god-fearing person is well known within the community and is appreciated by all. I have known [mention the person’s first name] to participate in all community activities.
[He / She] is a very talented person and can overcome any obstacles. I have known [mention the person’s first name] to always be willing to learn things from anyone irrespective of age and designation.
I will exceedingly recommend anyone concerned to assign [mention the person’s first name] with responsibilities that fit [his / her] qualification and capabilities. I believe anybody engaging [says the first name of the person] with any kind of responsibility will not be disappointed with [him/her].
I pray to God for [mention the first name of the person]’s prosperity and well-being. I also like to wish [mention the person’s first name] good luck in all [his / her] future endeavors.
Thanks and Regards,
[Mention name of the sender],
[Mention the Designation of the Sender],
[Mention Contact details of the Sender],
[Mention the Date]
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Letter Template: 14
[Name of the recipient],
[Address of the recipient],
Sub: Letter of reference for good character
Dear (Sir / Madam),
This is to certify that [mention the person’s name] is of very good character. I am glad to know [say the person’s first name] personally. [Mention the person’s first name] has all the best qualities one can ever think of, which makes [him/her] a perfect human being. [Mention the person’s first name] is a very generous person.
[His / Her] kind behavior makes [mention the person’s first name] more honorable as a person. At the same time, [say the first name of the person] is very transparent with [his / her] objectives and is known to complete [his / her] targets efficiently and on time.
[Mention the person’s first name] is an excellent learner and has been known to be keen to learn new things. [He / She] has the quality and capability to take every possible responsibility. [Mention the first name of the person]’s other strong virtue are [his / her] strong willpower and firm determination.
I am more than sure that [mention the person’s first name] will never let down anyone who gives [him/her] any responsibility.
I wish all the best to [mention the person’s first name] for all [his / her] future endeavors. I wish [him /her] a happy and prosperous life.
Thanks and Regards,
[Mention name of the sender],
[Mention the Designation of the Sender],
[Mention Contact details of the Sender],
[Mention the Date]
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Letter Template: 15
Educational Reference Letter
[Name of the recipient],
[Address of the recipient],
Sub: Educational reference check
Dear employee,
We are sending this letter to make you aware that the documents and credentials you have sent to our organization were verified by our senior authority. Those have fulfilled our requirements.
We are very excited to inform you that we are thinking to appoint you as a member of our organization (mention the name of the organization). You designation will be (mention the post).
As all your mark sheets and reference letter have been selected by our company with full satisfaction.
You hope you will prove yourself to be a very hardworking and loyal person for our company.
Your marks and skills have really impressed our senior employees and the governing body of our company.
Hope you will prove yourself to be a worthy person for our company.
We all want to share your thoughts and rich experiences for the benefit of our company.
Hope you will prove yourself a very precious employee for our company.
Wish your a better future ahead.
You can contact us if you encounter any problems.
Thank you very much,
With regards,
[Name of the sender],
[Organisation name]
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