Letter Template: 1
Suggestion Letter to Government
Subject: letter of suggestion to the government
Dear sir/madam
I am a student of [mention college/university name] writing this letter to our country’s Government. I would like to suggest some improvement in our education system. I would like you to improve the [be specific with your points: – fee structure; good education; good teachers; etc.].
It would be very kind of you if you look into these points and improve our education system. As we know, Education is the key to success, and we all want to be successful in our life.
We, therefore, suggest you improve it so that we keep on exploring our talent and ourselves in our respective fields. Kindly look into the matter and help us provide a good education.
Thanking you.
[Sender Name]
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Letter Template: 2
Suggestion Letter to Boss
Name of recipient
Subject: letter of suggestion to boss
Dear sir/madam
This letter is regarding an important issue that our organization has faced for quite some time. The issue is about newly hired employees quitting within a few months of joining the organization. The candidates that we are recruiting are leaving the company within [mention months], almost at the time when their training period is over.
I [mention your name] from the recruiter team would like to suggest that I believe we need to recruit more committed employees who have been consistent at their previous companies. Another way is to get the candidates to sign a one-year bond with the company. In this way, we would be able to come across more loyal candidates.
Hope you will look into my suggestion. If you need additional information regarding this issue, you can reach me at [mention phone number] or through an email [mention email address].
Thanking you
[Sender Name]
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Letter Template: 3
Suggestion Letter to Customer
Name of recipient
Subject: letter of suggestion to customer
Dear sir/madam
This letter informs everyone that we have brought a fantastic offer before you at [mention your company name]. Since it’s our company’s Anniversary, we have decided to help a few selected customers to upgrade their membership with us. You are among the chosen few.
The membership offers a great deal –
[Enlist the offer list; be specific like-Discount coupons worth [mention percentage] at every purchase; free home delivery, anywhere; free shipping, and many more].
This is a great opportunity for our members, the deal you’d never want to miss!
So hurry up! Upgrade your membership now and get some of the best perks of being a customer at [mention your company name].
Thanking you
[Sender Name]
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Letter Template: 4
[Mention recipient name]
This letter suggests that, by discontinuing your education at this early age, you are not going to get any benefit. Rather, you have to go through a lot for your wrong decision. This is an age of education. After a few years of studying, you may be able to get a job in some prospering industry.
Money is not the factor in stopping your education anymore. Our government has been kind enough to afford free education up to the Higher Secondary level. You do not need to pay tuition fees. There are also some other facilities in every college to help meritorious students. The government provides an ample number of scholarships to the students for their education.
At this stage, you should try to find out a permanent solution to your problem. Quitting study at this stage cannot help you either get an attractive high salaried job or set up a strong future for your family; an uneducated finds himself/herself in the ocean of disappointment and failure.
To achieve something great in life is not as easy as we think. I think you will realize the words of my letter and change your decision accordingly. Best wishes for your future life.
[Sender Name]
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Letter Template: 5
Suggestion Letter to Employer
Subject: letter of suggestion to employer
Dear sir/madam
I am writing this letter to (mention name) to suggest some improvement in your work. I would like you to improve the quality of work and see the one like before. [Mention in your way].
I have been the [mention designation] of your company for the past [mention years], and this difference in your work, I have been noticing for quite some time. I thus, suggest you improve it so that we keep working in the same way in the future too.
If you have any further queries, you can reach me at [mention phone number] or through an email [mention email address]. Hope to see you working on it soon.
[Sender Name]
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Letter Template: 6
Suggestion Letter to Client
Subject: letter of suggestion to the client
Dear sir/madam
I am from [mention your company name] writing this letter to (material Manager of the company) of [mention sender company name] to suggest some improvement in your services. I would like you to improve the quality and the number of your materials and see it the one like before.
We have been the client of your company for the past [mention years] and this difference in services I have been noticing for quite some time. I, therefore, suggest improving it so that we keep working in the same way in the future too. You have been a great client to our business, and we want to continue this relationship in the future also.
If you have any further queries, you can reach us at [mention phone number] or through an email [mention email address]. Hope to see you working on it soon.
[Sender Name]
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Letter Template: 7
Suggestion Letter to Collage
Subject: letter of suggestion to college
Dear sir/madam
I am a student of [mention college name] writing this letter to the head of the department to suggest some improvement in our laboratory system. I would like you to improve the quality and the number of our lab equipment and see all the equipment in better condition.
We have been using the old equipment for quite a long now, and many of the instruments are being broken after our use. It is getting tough to work with all those ancient instruments.
We, therefore, suggest you improve it so that we keep working. All the lab subjects are important for our course. So we would like to get it done as soon as possible.
Thanking you.
[Sender Name]
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Letter Template: 8
Suggestion Letter to Sales
Subject: letter of suggestion for sales
Dear sir/madam
I am from [mention your company name] writing this letter to (material Manager of the company) of [mention sender company name] to suggest some improvement in your services/product for sales. I want to improve the quality and the number of your materials to grow your sales. Quantity and Quality matter a lot to selling our product. These are the 2 main aspects of any service/product.
We have been your company’s client for the past [mention years], and this difference in services/products will help you grow your business.
Therefore, I suggest you improve it so that you can keep working in the same way in the future. You have been a great client to our business, and we want to continue this relationship in the future also.
If you have any further queries, you can reach us at [mention phone number] or through an email [mention email address]. Hope to see you working on it soon.
Thanking you.
[Sender Name]
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Letter Template: 9
Suggestion Letter to Sales
[Name of the sender]
[Insert the Designation of the sender]
[Name of the company]
[Contact details and address of the sender]
[Insert the Date of sending the letter]
[Insert the Receiver’s Name]
[Designation of the receiver]
[Name of the company]
[Insert the Receiver’s Address]
[Contact details of the Receiver]
Sub: Letter of suggestion for sales
Dear [Name of the recipient],
I am writing this letter as the (Mention the designation) of the company (Mention the name and details of the company) in order to give some suggestions about the sales and market of the products regarding (Mention the details).
It is very important to maintain the good quality of a product to increase the number of sales very quickly.
To improve the quality of the sales and get a good market for your products, you can follow some steps, like, (Mention the details).
As a long time client of your company (Mention the name and details of the company), we would like to see your good reputation and success in the market. Hence, I want to suggest you improve the quality of your product and thus get more and more customers.
Hope you see your success in the future.
Thanking you,
With regards,
[Name of the sender]
[Signature of the sender]
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Letter Template: 10
Suggestion Letter to Sales
[Name of the sender]
[Insert the Designation of the sender]
[Name of the company]
[Contact details and address of the sender]
[Insert the Date of sending the letter]
[Insert the Receiver’s Name]
[Designation of the receiver]
[Name of the company]
[Insert the Receiver’s Address]
[Contact details of the Receiver]
Sub: Letter of suggestion for sales
Dear [Name of the recipient],
As the (Mention the designation) of the company (Mention the name and details of the company) I am writing this letter to you, to give some suggestions based on my own experiences about the good sales and market of the products regarding (Mention the details).
It is essential to have a good knowledge and understanding of the market and actual demand for a specific product to increase the number of sales with good speed.
Hence, to increase the number of sales, you have to have a proper idea and good communication with the other sellers and, of course, your customers. For this, you have to be efficient in your work and follow some steps (Mention the details).
As an old customer of your company (Mention the name and details of the company), I would like to see that the products manufactured by you are getting good recognition and success in the market. Therefore, I want to give you the idea to improve your knowledge about your product’s market. I believe that through this you can capture a good market and more and more customers.
We all want to see your proper growth in the future.
Thanking you,
With regards,
[Name of the sender]
[Signature of the sender]
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Letter Template: 11
Suggestion Letter to HR
Subject: letter of suggestion to HR
Dear sir/madam
I am writing this letter to HR of [mention company name] to suggest some improvement in our work. I would like you to the work quality of our current project in which we are working. And we all want to request you to low our working hours.
We have been the employee of your company for the past [mention years] and this difference in your services we have been noticing for quite some time. We are working more than our mentioned time and getting paid the same salary after a month of work.
Therefore, we suggest improving it so that we keep working in the same way in the future. You have been a great HR to our team, and we want to continue this relationship in the future also.
If you have any further queries, you can reach us at [mention phone number] or through an email [mention email address]. Hope to see you working on it soon.
Thanking you.
[Sender Name]
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Letter Template: 12
Suggestion Letter to Reject
Subject: letter to reject the suggestion
Dear sir/madam
This letter informs you that I was happy to receive your letter of suggestion to redesign our Lounge on the 1st floor of the building [be specific with your own reason]. While we are always open and look to the constant improvement of the facilities we have and what we are providing to our customers, this is a project we cannot fulfill at the moment because of financial issues [be specific with your reason].
We have already committed to a new project and do not have enough to cover the expenses of the restructuring of the lounge. We will, however, keep your suggestion in mind at the next Budget Meeting of the Board; we will pitch the idea to my teammates so we can set aside money for the project to be done as soon as possible.
I want to thank you for the suggestions. Please do not hesitate to continue submitting your ideas to us on how we can further improve our business.
Thanking you.
[Sender Name]
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Letter Template: 13
Suggestion Letter to Accept
Subject: Letter to Accept the Suggestion
Respected sir/madam
This letter is to be written in appreciation for the suggestion [describe the suggestion] idea. As head of [mention department], I will immediately implement your suggestion of assigning a sales representative to customers planning for home improvement [mention your own reason]. We are sure our customers will appreciate this add-on service.
When you next return to your store, an employee will greet you, and review your home improvement needs. As you are aware, our policy is to please our customers, and we appreciate ideas like yours that help us to serve our customers in a more efficient manner.
Thanking you.
[Mention name]
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Letter Template: 14
[Mention Recipient name]
I am writing to tell you about including yoga and meditation in your daily routine. Yoga and meditation, when practiced together, reinforce the connection between soul and body, improving health and well-being.
There are several styles of yoga that merge meditation with physical routines [mention some]. By simply clearing the mind and concentrating on controlled breathing, you can meditate without practicing yoga. Both yoga and meditation have proven health benefits when practiced properly. It manages stress, removes anxiety and depression, and helps an individual have a healthy body. I am also doing it regularly and advise you to do the same.
If you have any further enquires, you can reach me at [mention phone number] or through an email [mention email address]. I am looking forward to your response.
Thanking you
[Sender Name]
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Letter Template: 15
Suggestion Letter to Meeting
Subject: letter to suggest a meeting
Dear sir/madam
This letter informs you that I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss the matter in further detail on [mention your topic or matter] as there are many companies offering us a much higher rate than the market price. And so for this deal, we should do a meeting about what to do next or how to do it.
Kindly suggest a date and time which is as per your schedule. I would be highly appreciated it. Thank you very much for your valuable time.
For further queries, you can reach me at [mention number] or through an email [mention email address].
Thanking you.
[Sender Name]
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Letter Template: 16
[Mention recipient name]
Dear daughter,
I hope you are fine and doing well. And hope you are doing good in your studies. I want to inform you that, I want you to join [mention school name] at [mention location]. Nowadays, society is too fast. Everyone is studying in a reputed school, and I want you to study in one of those reputed schools.
If you go to this school, your future will be bright enough. You will get ample opportunities to explore yourself, and you will be able to get a high-paid job in the future. You will be able to live a respectful life.
Hope you will understand and give thought to this. Be happy my love. Waiting for your reply.
With love,
Mom & Dad
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Letter Template: 17
[Mention recipient name]
Dear students,
I want to inform you that College is more like you ever imagined it. It is so much better. You don’t know this yet, but you are about to go through many changes that will shape you into adulthood.
You will meet experienced people that will cause you pain, incredible joy, deep sadness, and unimaginable blessings all in your college life. You will be transformed into a new person from the time you graduate high school to when you walk across the stage at your class graduation.
You will learn about values and sacrifices in life during your college days. You will learn how and when to explore yourself. You will learn that there will be tough times and times to be joyful, but you will learn to deal with your tough times.
These will be the years where you might get distracted from your path, so be confident in what you do and give your best in every field.
Thanking you.
[Sender Name]
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Letter Template: 18
[Mention recipient name]
Dear daughter,
I hope you are fine and doing well. And hope you are doing good with your life. I want you to inform that we want you to get married now. Nowadays, society is too fast.
Every one your age is getting married; we know age is just a factor, but now you are well settled in your life, and we think it’s the right time for you to get married. You will get a partner for a lifetime who will be there with you in your tough times.
Marriage is not a burden; it’s a part of our life. And we think you are now fit for your marriage.
Hope you will understand and give thought to this. Be happy, my love; waiting for your reply.
With love,
Mom & Dad
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Letter Template: 19
Subject: letter to suggest a business
Dear sir/madam
This letter suggests that I have been a client of your company for the past years, and I want to tell you to make some changes to your business. As you supply raw materials to construction companies, I have seen that the material you have been providing is not of the best quality.
Also, the delivery time is not fixed and keeps fluctuating, and some materials, even after constant reminders, are not delivered. I, therefore, recommend you improve your services by providing good quality materials. These are some essential points that I wanted to mention [mention your points].
I know if you improved all these aspects, even the best raw material providing companies cannot beat you in the market. I hope you take these suggestions positively and promote your services as soon as possible.
[Sender Name]
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Letter Template: 20
Suggestion Letter to Improvement
[Name of the recipient],
Sub: Letter of suggestion for improvement
Respected (Sir/Madam),
We are willing to give some fulfilling suggestions regarding the matter (mention the details of the matter), hoping that this will help you in the betterment of your further achievements. The never-ending goal of our organization is to help the participants get their desired outcomes with the little help of our suggestions.
Our experts are always ready to help you to do your best. The suggestions will help you to search for new methods. The venue and date of this interaction will be (mention the date and time). You are required to show some documents like (mention details).
Hope our effort will help in your better performance. If you have any questions, you can contact our employee (mention name and details).
Hope to see you soon.
Thank you very much,
[Name of the sender],
[Organisation name].
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Letter Template: 21
Suggestion Letter to School
[Name of the recipient],
Sub: Letter of suggestion to school
Dear (Sir/Madam),
We want to suggest to you the matter of school. School is one of our basic needs in today’s lifestyle. We are happy to be able to give you suggestions about this matter. As we all know, the school helps our young ones for the betterment of their mental as well as physical health. Schooling is mandatory for everyone.
It helps in our cultural growth and also to face any difficulties. We would like you to contact our main worker (mention the contact person’s name) if you encounter any questions or other problems regarding this issue.
We are always eager to help you in this matter.
Hope to see your further betterment.
Thank you very much for your effort,
Thank you very much,
[Name of the sender],
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Letter Template: 22
Suggestion Letter to Columnist
[Name of the recipient],
[Address of the recipient],
Sub: Letter of suggestion for columnist
Respected (Sir/Madam),
For your kind information, we beg to state that we are writing this letter to suggest you be a part of our program as a columnist. As we all know about your great ideas and rich experiences in this field of work.
We all want to share your remarkable talent. Our company is well known in this field, and we are determined to make it more worthy of trust through your contribution. We expect that you will help us with your valuable contribution.
If you have any types of queries, you can contact our head of the department (name and contact details of the contact person). We want the members of our organization to be fortunate enough to see your great work in person.
We are eagerly waiting for your positive response regarding this letter.
Thank you very much,
[Name of the sender],
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“Business, marketing, and blogging – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, HR, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.”