Are you searching for sample letters to send your message of declination of promotion to your company or organization? Then now, you can easily complete it with the help of our below sample letters.
Here we have enlisted some sample letters regarding this topic to help you in this situation. While writing this letter here, you have to mention your position, the reason for the declination of this position, etc. Now follow our below letters and complete your letter with a proper format.
Letter Template: 1
Promotion Decline Letter
[Insert the Sender’s Address]
———- [ Address Line1] ———–
———- [ Address Line 2] ————
[ Insert the Date of sending the letter]
[ Insert the Receiver’s Name]
[ Insert the Receiver’s Address]
———- [ Address Line1] ———–
———- [ Address Line 2] ————
Dear Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. [ Insert the name of whomsoever it is concerned to]
SUB: [ Insert the subject concerned to the letter]
Greetings of the Day!
I was very glad to have read your recent letter offering me a promotion from [ Insert the current designation] to [ Insert the newly offered designation by the organization].
It has always been a dream opportunity of mine to become a [Insert the newly offered designation by the organization], for which I would like to take this opportunity to express my vote of gratitude to you and the organization for providing me with the position.
I have always prioritized my personal and professional life equally. I agree with the good old thought that “great power comes great responsibilities.”
With this responsibility, it would be difficult for me to give an equal share of effort to my personal and professional life. Due to this reason, I feel extremely sorry to inform you that I will not be able to accept the position.
Thank you once again for considering me for the Job Position. I sincerely appreciate your time and efforts in this consideration. I hope you find a much more able candidate for this position.
Thank you very much
Sincere Regards,
[ Insert Full Name of the Sender]
[ Insert Designation/ Department]
[ Insert contact details]
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