Some situations may arrive when you have to decline a car installment then you must have to write a letter to send your message to the respective person. Now here we have provided some sample letters regarding a letter to the decline of car installment.
While writing this letter you must have to mention the reason for your declination. We have provided all points in a proper format if you feel any problem can easily use our sample letters for help.
Letter Template: 1
Dear (Name of the bank manager) Sir,
I am (Name of the person) writing this letter to request you to decline my further 2 months installments of my car loan. Due to the coronavirus situation that is going on this year, I have lost my job because of the financial crisis in the company and the government has also ordered me to work with 50% of the staff for every office.
That’s why they took my voluntary resignation from the job that I was doing. I am also living in this city in a rented department and I have to pay the rent for living here beside everything that is going on in my life.
Till the tie, I am searching for a new job, which I expected to get in the next two months. I will again be able to pay the installment.
I assure you that I will pay the full payment of my car to your bank on time. I have paid each and every installment before the due date. You can check my credit records and I don’t want to spoil my credit record for the first time in my life.
That’s why I am requesting you to decline my two months installment. I hope that you will understand my concern and help me to get over this situation.
Kindly please reply to me as soon as possible. You can also contact me at my contact number ____ or email me at ______
Yours Faithfully
(Name of the person)
Download Template :
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