If you have got a job offer from any company or organization and you don’t want to join this position of this company. Then in this situation, you must have to write a letter to decline the counteroffer.
Now it’s important to express your decision properly. Here we have provided some sample letters regarding this topic, you can easily take the help of these letters to complete your letter. In this letter, you must have to mention the reason for the decline.
Template: 1
[ Insert the Sender’s Address]
———- [ Address Line1] ———–
———- [ Address Line 2] ————
[ Insert the Date of sending the letter]
[ Insert the Receiver’s Name]
[ Insert the Receiver’s Address]
———- [ Address Line1] ———–
———- [ Address Line 2] ————
Dear Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. [ Insert the name of whomsoever it is concerned to]
SUB: [ Insert the subject concerned to the letter]
Greetings of the day!
I, first, would wish to extend my note of utmost gratitude to you, and the organization for offering me an interview for the [ Insert the designation offered by the organization] position, under the Department of [ Insert the name of the department]
I solemnly appreciate the efforts you have taken to choose me for this position.
However, due to an emergency that had come up, I would have to be traveling to [ Insert the name of a valid destination] on the same day as the interview is scheduled to be on. For this reason, I will not be able to attend the interview for this job position.
Your organization has always provided thriving opportunities to potential candidates and motivated them to put in their best in everything they do. I consider it an honor to have been called to be a part of this interview.
I express my sincere apologies for not being able to attend the interview and I hope you find an ideal candidate for this position.
Thank you very much for apprising me with the information about this Job Interview, and considering me for the same.
Sincere Regards
[ Insert the Full Name of the Sender]
[ Insert the contact details]
Download Template :
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