If you have got a job offer from any company or organization and you don’t want to join this position of this company. Then in this situation, you must write a letter to decline the counteroffer.
Now it’s important to express your decision properly. Here we have provided some sample letters regarding this topic; you can easily take the help of these letters to complete your letter. In this letter, you must have to mention the reason for the decline.
Template: 1
[ Insert the Sender’s Address]
———- [ Address Line1] ———–
———- [ Address Line 2] ————
[ Insert the Date of sending the letter]
[ Insert the Receiver’s Name]
[ Insert the Receiver’s Address]
———- [ Address Line1] ———–
———- [ Address Line 2] ————
Dear Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. [ Insert the name of whomsoever it is concerned to]
SUB: [ Insert the subject concerned to the letter]
Greetings of the day!
I had received your recent letter offering me the position of [ Insert the designation offered by the organization] under the department of [ Insert the department of the position offered]
First, would wish to extend my utmost gratitude to you and the organization for offering me the position. I ingenuously appreciate your efforts in choosing me for this position. I admit that this position would fetch a higher opportunity in my career.
[ Insert the name of the company that has already provided the job] has already provided me an offer for this same position, with higher financial benefits and other facilities.
However, due to [ Insert reason to not consider the job], I will not be able to accept this offer. I hope you find an ideal candidate for this position.
Thank you once again for enlightening me with the information about this offer and considering me for the same.
Thank You
[ Insert the Full Name of the Sender]
[ Insert the Designation], [ Insert the full name of the organization]
[ insert the contact details]
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