Authorization Letter to Claim Money: 2 Templates

 With this letter template, you can conveniently inform that you are authorizing the candidate to access money on your behalf from the bank. You must provide information in concerning to claiming the money.

You should provide the details of the candidate who will be acting as the bearer. You can also clarify why you actually cannot claim the money at this moment. It is important to describe the authorization details. The letter must be written at the reader’s convenience.

Template: 1

Authorization Letter to Claiming Money

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your contact information]


[Recipient Name]

[Recipient Address]

[Recipient contact information]

Re: Letter of Authorization for Claiming Money

Dear [Recipient Name],

I am writing to inform your company [Company name, address and address] that I authorize the bearer of this letter named, [BEARER’S NAME] to claim my back-pay since I cannot get it in person because [REASON e.g. I am out of town].

[BEARER’S NAME] will provide her two valid IDs for identification and on my behalf please allow him/her to sign any documents required for the transaction.

To support my claim, I have appended two valid IDs of bearer:

  • [company id]
  • [passport id]

Hope for your kind consideration regarding this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, here is my contact number [Mention your contact no] or drop a line at [Mention your mail id].

Thank you very much.


[Hand written signature]


[Notary or witness if required]

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Template: 2

Authorization Letter to Claiming Money

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Position/Title]
[Company/Bank Name]
[Company/Bank Address]
[City, State, ZIP]

Subject: Authorization Letter to Claim Money

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing this letter to authorize [Authorized Person’s Full Name] to claim a sum of money on my behalf from [Company/Bank Name]. Due to unavoidable circumstances, I am unable to personally visit your office and claim the said amount. Therefore, I am granting [Authorized Person’s Full Name] full authority to act as my representative in this matter.

I provide the following details for reference:

Name of Account Holder: [Your Name]
Account Number: [Your Account Number]
Amount to be claimed: [Exact Amount in Words and Numbers]
Purpose of the claimed amount: [Briefly explain the purpose, if necessary]
Relevant supporting documents: [List any supporting documents that may be required]
I kindly request you to assist [Authorized Person’s Full Name] in the process of claiming the money. They will present a valid identification document along with a copy of this authorization letter for verification purposes.

Please ensure that all necessary procedures and formalities are followed in accordance with your company’s policies and regulations. If there are any additional forms or documents that need to be completed, kindly provide them to [Authorized Person’s Full Name] to facilitate the smooth processing of the transaction.

I hold full responsibility for any actions or decisions made by [Authorized Person’s Full Name] within the scope of this authorization. Please feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] if there are any questions or concerns regarding this matter.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this regard. I greatly appreciate your assistance in facilitating the smooth retrieval of the claimed amount. I trust that [Authorized Person’s Full Name] will be duly guided and assisted throughout the process.

Yours faithfully,

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