Training specialist Appointment Letter Template


(Name of the correspondent)

(Address of the sender) 

(Name of the recipient)

 (Address of the recipient) 

(Mention date)

Dear Ma’am/ Sir,

Subject: Appointment letter for the position of Training specialist.

On behalf of (mention name of the company), I am delighted to offer you the position of training specialist within the department of (mention the department). We would like you to commence this appointment with us, with effect from (mention date of joining). 

After carefully all the company policies and procedures, you will be in charge of conducting effective training program. You will also be responsible for preparing training budgets in accordance with company’s budget.

The salary for the position is (mention the amount of monthly salary) per month as applicable and this salary will enhance based on your performance. All the tax deductions will be done on the source as per the company rules.

If you wish to accept the abovementioned terms and conditions, please sign and return this letter to our office, within (mention date). If you wish to no longer accept our offer then please let me know as soon as possible, so we can find someone to fill this position, and if we do not get a response from your side by (mention date), we will assume that you are no longer interested in this role and this proposal will automatically be removed.

We are eager to have you as a member of our family, and we foresee your potential skills as a valuable contribution to our company.

Yours sincerely, 

(Mention name) 

(Signature of the sender) 

(Mention date)

 (Write designation in the Company)

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