Paramedic Appointment Letter template


[Mention the name of the Recipient], 

[Mention the address], 

Sub: An Appointment Letter for the Role of Paramedic

Dear [Mention the name of the Recipient],

You are hereby informed that you have been selected as the Paramedic in our organization [mention the name of the organization]. 

On [Mention the date of joining] you are to report to the [Mention the designation whom the candidate will be reporting].

You will be on probation for a period of [Mention the period]. 

Your salary will be [Mention the details].

 Your job responsibilities covers but will not be limited to:

  • Administering life support, first-aid treatment and all the other forms of pre-hospital emergency care;
  • Operate equipment like external defibrillators, bag valve mask resuscitators and electrocardiograms for the advanced life support use;
  • Assessing patients’ injury type and severity and instantly begin the appropriate medical procedures;
  • Drive moving intensive care unit to the predetermined location under the instructions given by the emergency medical dispatcher;
  • Assessing records and discuss patient injuries and condition with physician, including any other treatments provided and the reactions to treatments or medicines;
  • Decontaminate and clean the ambulance after treating or transporting any patient with infectious disease. Report the infectious disease with relevant authorities;
  • Administering drugs as necessary and appropriate via intravenous procedures, injection or oral administration under the direction of the physician;
  • Communicating and coordinating with dispatchers, police, fire department personnel and other emergency medical team members as needed;

The rules and regulations of the organization [Mention the name of the Organization] as are in force at present and/or as may be introduced or modified from time to time will govern you.

Welcome to the team of [Mention the name of the organization].

Yours Sincerely

 [Mention the sender’s name]

[Mention the Designation], 

[Mention the Date]

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