Nurse Appointment Letter template


[Mention the name of the Recipient], 

[Mention the address], 

Sub: An Appointment Letter for the Role of Nurse.

Dear [Mention the name of the Recipient],

In reference to your last interview and subsequent discussion, we have the pleasure of offering you the appointment for the post of Nurse in our organization [Mention the name of the Organization]

On [Mention the date of joining] you are to report to the [Mention the designation whom the candidate will be reporting].

You will be on probation for a period of [Mention the period of probation]. 

Your salary will be [Mention the details].

As an Nurse your job role be Monitoring patient’s condition and assessing their needs by providing the best possible advice and care; Observing and interpreting patient’s symptoms and then communicating them to the physicians;

Collaborating with the physicians and the nurses for device of  individualized care plans for every patient; Performing routine procedures (administering injections, blood pressure measurements, etc.) and also filling in patients’ charts; Adjusting and administering patient’s medication and providing treatments according to the physician’s orders; Inspecting the facilities and ensuring excellent hygiene and safety (decontaminating equipment, preparing beds, sanitizing surfaces, etc.);

Providing instant medical care in time of emergencies; Assisting surgeons during the operations; Supervising and training LPNs and the nursing assistants; Fostering a compassionate and supportive environment to care for patients and also their families; Expanding knowledge and capabilities by attending the educational workshops, seminars, conferences etc;

Read this appointment letter carefully, sign with date & return the duplicate copy of this letter to us as a token of your acceptance of the appointment. 


Welcome to the team [Mention the name of the Organization].

Best Wishes.

Yours Sincerely

[Mention the sender’s name]

[Mention the Designation], 

[Mention the Date]

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