With this letter template, you can beg your pardon for cheating. You must explain the consequences that actually led you to do an act of cheating. You must also show your concern for the person and empathize with him by telling him how much hurt he might have felt for it.
You must assure that you will not repeat the mistake. You must inform them that you are ready to compensate for the loss that you have made for him.
Template: 1
Apology Letter for Cheating
(Mention your name)
(Mention your address)
(Mention your contact information)
(Mention name of the Recipient)
(Mention address of the Recipient)
(Contact Information of the Recipient)
Dear (Name of the Recipient)
I am really sorry for the pain I have caused you. I know you are not ready till now to hear me out. But I want to say to you through this letter that you are everything I need in my life. I am really sorry for betraying you and your trust. I know that I was selfish and insensitive towards you. I am sorry for doing this to you and I really blame only myself for that. I wish I could turn back the time when I did the mistake. I wish I had never cheated on you.
I am in absolute suffering thinking about my past deeds behind your back, but I also know that you are suffering more than I. I hope you will give me another chance to prove myself and my love for you.
I am ready to pay the price for this mistake. I will not disappoint you again in the future. I pray to God to give you the strength to forgive me.
Thank you for your true love.
Love you always,
Yours truly,
(Name of the sender)
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Letter Template: 2
Apology Letter for Cheating
(Mention your name)
(Mention your address)
(Mention your contact information)
(Mention name of the Recipient)
(Mention address of the Recipient)
(Contact Information of the Recipient)
Dear (Name of the Recipient)
Hope this letter finds you in best health You cannot imagine how much I have missed you in the past [mention a duration] and I cannot explain how terrible it feels not being able to share my day to day activities with you. You were like my soul mate without whom my life is like music but without lyrics.
I am terribly sorry [mention the name of the reader] for betraying your trust and not appreciating your each and every single effort for our relationship. No matter what my life would be incomplete without your presence and I hope you will understand that. When no-one was there to support me, motivate me and encourage me, you were the one who stood beside me from the very beginning and I will never forget that. No words is capable of explaining how thankful I am to you for choosing and supporting me even on my bad days. I am so sorry for cheating on you and I promise that I will never repeat this mistake again. I also promise to take time out and not get so busy that at the end of the day I don’t have time for us and also I promise to put efforts towards our relation.
I expect you will forgive me and give me another chance. I promise I will not repeat my mistakes and disappoint you ever again and just like you, I will also give my best no matter what. Do give me another chance so that I can prove to you that I have changed. It will become impossible for me to live without you so please consider my apology and forgive me. I love you so much [mention the name of the reader].
Love you always,
Yours truly,
(Name of the sender)
Letter Template: 3
Apology Letter for Cheating
(Mention your name)
(Mention your address)
(Mention your contact information)
(Mention name of the Recipient)
(Mention address of the Recipient)
(Contact Information of the Recipient)
Dear (Name of the Recipient)
The true value of something can be measured when we don’t have that thing anymore. Similarly, I am now all alone I cannot imagine how it came to this. All the memories we have spent together are still so fresh and mesmerizing and now you not by my side breaks my heart into a million pieces. Just like plants need sunlight in order to grow, I need you beside me so that I can grow.
I simply regret letting you go by my side and I deeply apologize for cheating on you with someone else and betraying your trust. I know I stopped taking out for us, I stopped caring about our relationship, all over I took everything for granted and I shouldn’t have done it.
I promise if you give me another chance I will focus on us, on our relationship and always keep you as my top priority and listen to you and talk to you about everything and never repeat the mistakes that I have made ever again. Now that you are gone I am realizing that it is not possible to spend a moment without you. I know it was my fault totally for cheating on you and letting you down but I promise to change myself for our relation.
I am hoping that you will give me a second chance so that I can prove to you that I can change and I will change for you. No matter whom I meet, no one can ever fulfill your absence. I hope you will trust me and forgive me. I hope you will write to me and give me another chance. I am so sorry [mention the name of the reader] for treating you like that, for treating our relationship like that and I promise to never repeat it again.
Love you always,
Yours truly,
(Name of the sender)
Letter Template: 4
Apology Letter for Cheating
(Mention your name)
(Mention your address)
(Mention your contact information)
(Mention name of the Recipient)
(Mention address of the Recipient)
(Contact Information of the Recipient)
Dear (Name of the Recipient)
I know that I am not perfect, but I do love you, One thing that I understood that no one will ever love me the way you ever loved you, my love for you feels so heavy when you are not around me to take it. I feel so sorry for cheating on you [mention the name of the reader] and I am writing this letter to ask for your apology and forgiveness.
If it would have been possible then I would have gone back in time and rectified my actions towards you. You know that you are like my backbone and I cannot imagine having a life without you. We have been together from [mention a duration] and so please don’t leave me like this, I promise that I have changed and I will never cheat or do anything that will let you down ever again.
Please come back [mention the name of the reader] I promise to never behave like that ever again and bring changes in myself. I admit that it was my fault, I never showed any efforts towards our relationship and now that you are gone I can understand how it feels not to have the right companion beside me.
I hope you will forgive me and give me another chance. I promise I will not disappoint you ever again and just like you, I will also give my best no matter what. Do give me another chance so that I can prove to you that I have changed. It will become impossible for me to live without you so please consider my apology and forgive me. I love you so much [mention the name of the reader].
Love you always,
Yours truly,
(Name of the sender)
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